Little Basin camping
October 25, 2008
Over at Boulder Creek, we make a short stop for gas and an ice cream.
starting out with a picnic lunch in the shade
-I wonder how far we are from the ocean...?
We head off on a small hike around the area; first stop at a small fire reservoir.
Fall; Leaves, needles, and acorns abound.
quite a stump
(click for interactive Google Map)
swingin' fun for Jane and Christof
Long jump: Swing high...
...and release.
-Seems we have a winner!
Christof brought a volley ball, and we are all having a blast.
(click to view the finals) (1950 kB movie file)
Dinner time. Steak on the grill, corn and potatoes in the fire.
all enjoyed with a glass of wine under the stars
Hours later, we're all ready for bed.
we all sleep in the quiet and pleasant outdoors
Christof, Imola
sleeping in...outside
all energized after a warm and quiet night
enjoying a long slow breakfast
Starting out the Eagle Rock Trail
[Imola, Jane, Gara]
sharp, rocky, thorny...not all that great for barefooting
small people in a giant forest
with the trail map a bit unclear, we stop to discuss our options for a while
strange fungus
We give it up and head back down.
(click for interactive Google Map)
Next stop Santa Cruz Boardwalk
yep, it's cold alright
playing in the waves
a relaxing nap in the sun
Before heading home, we walk further up the beach... steal a glimpse of...
...the surf contest. Action finale of a relaxing weekend.