Rainforest walk
December 28, 2006
by Christine
The next day, we're driving up to Mt Glorious for a walk in the sub-tropical rainforest.
The foliage is very lush, especially after the last few days' rainy weather.
There are some really massive trees here ...
... and some really thin ones.
Deeper and deeper into the forest
Hannes on a liana swing
Christine doing her best to repeat the exercise
Probably a really really bad idea :)
Reaching the end of the track, a lookout over a now dried out waterfall, but it is still very pretty.
These massive trees are tangled in lianas, who eventually become part of the tree.
Look at the roots of this tree, hundreds of other little roots coming out from under the bark.
On our way back we stop by "tea with a view".
We also stop by Peter's old boyscout ground, and have a play
Peter showing some horizontal "pole dancing"
After some instructions, Hannes is doing pretty good too.
While it looks as if Christine has got some practice left to do.
In the evening we meet up with Magnus, a friend of Christine's from Gothenburg who now lives in Brisbane.
Hannes, Christine, Magnus, Jeanette, Peter