Hiking Half Dome
June 20, 2006
After a proper sleep-in morning, we drag ourselves to the Half Dome trail head by 10.30...
Nevada Falls
[in all its fury, captivating]
Up through forest...
...we spot Half Dome ahead.
The whole climb offers spectacular views.
Ready for the last climb? It's a good 300m.
Better find a pair that fits...
...in case the wires are worn.
me, powering through the climb
Made it! Bottom to top in 3.5 hours!
Dirty feet is the norm on this roadtrip.
enjoying the view
Christine (click for larger view)
A marmot enjoys somebody's tuna for lunch.
overlooking the valley, 1500m below
We also find a large patch of snow here on Half Dome...
...it's such a contrast to the warm weather!
With unreal visibility, we had quite a view... (click to view panorama)
high peaks, lots of snow
It's time to descend...
more Nevada Falls