Clothing Optional
May 21, 2006
Sunny Sunday morning...catching BART towards the city.
a very clear morning
Today is Bay to Breakers - a race from the San Francisco bay shore, to the "ocean breakers" on the far side of the city.
This is also an event where clothing seems to become increasingly optional over the years...
There's also many live music bands along the way. Quite a party!
[wearing a Bare-to-Breakers hat]
not your average vending machine
Also spotted a cratfy child seat...!
bag lady?
The hebrew band.
shiny ladies
Hmmm...there's a disproportional amount of Swedes here today...?
"SFPD Specialist Team"
Pac Man
-We'll get around to it...
The Pink Party People (1053 kB movie file)
caged birds
African explorers
A pedal-driven semi
Rudolph, the red-nosed...
They eventually ran out of cups, instead handing out one gallon bottles to evertyone...
a Trojan loaded with techno music
the DJ mushroom booth
more pirates
...and more bare skin.
We're right in the Haight, alright..
a true garage band
Eventually, the cops roll in at the end of the parade, and call the whole thing off.
trash is quickly removed
...and the street sweepers move in.
Some keep on going though - this is the ultimate partymobile.
To extend my eventful journey through town, I head north on Fillmore.
A street so steep...
...the sidewalks are stairs.
This is also the street where the ski jump competition was held [in 80° heat] last August.
the palace of fine arts