The Golden Circle
July 11, 2005
On Monday,we got real lucky: Our beloved wedding couple organized a bus tour for all the far-away guests.
[Audrey, Eugene, Javier]
Our tour guide is....Hallgrķmur!
heading up the narrow mountain roads
Truly exotic...but yet wild, unfriendly.
on the top of a little hill
windy, chilly, a light drizzle
Inga, me
back down the hill...offroad
Konstantijn, Erik
Konstantijn, Eithne
a peek inside a geothermal power plant
[Photo by Eugene]
Located right on the crack between the Atlantic and the North American tectonic plates, Iceland is self-sufficient in environmental friendly power.
Konstantijn and Madeleine by lake Žingvallavatn
overlooking the plains at Žingvellir
Žingvellir - the birthplace of democracy, around 930 A.D.
Konstantijn, Erik, Madelene
Make a wish
the tour continues, more back roads
lunch stop by Gullfoss
Gullfoss (Golden Rapids) is Iceland's grandest waterfall
massive in size and water mass
(movie file)
(click to view panorama)
waiting by the side of Geysir, that doesn't erupt anymore
Imola enjoying the hot steam on a chilly day
Two holes: one blue, one clear.
Deep blue. And hot.
boiling hole in the ground
(movie file)
Lined up around another geyser, that erupts every 5 minutes..or so.
an erupting geysir
(500kB movie file)
Every 5 minutes. Every day. Every night. Every year.
That's a lot of hot water.
another boil hole
(movie file)
in fact, this whole place is cookin'
Eithne and the dreaded Viking Troll