In search of the waves
...and finally back home in Rockridge.
November 26, 2005
On this spectacular crisp fall day, I hop on the bike and head off to the city.... search of the big waves forecasted for this Thanksgiving weekend.
Despite the chilly waters, many are swimming in the Aquatic Park.
A group of Segway'ers tour the Marina.
Like a bridge over trouble...grass?
The air is oh so clear.
Stopping by the Legion of Honor
pausing for a while by the Cliff House to watch the surf come in
Point Bonita in the distance
rolling in
Ocean Beach looks pretty calm...but there are just about no surfers out there.
Next stop - the De Young Museum in Golden Gate Park.
If the line outside is any indication, this place is wildly popular.
Inspiration Point in the Presidio
a hop over the bridge to check out the view on this crisp day
Cars, cars,'s all water under the bridge.
over the edge
Hot choclate and a Sloppy Joe at The Grove
Three blocks from the crookedest street in the city: Lombard Street
Given the number of cars, it's hard to speed down this one...
sudden obstacles
Ok, here goes.......ever done it on a bicycle?
As thrilling as it gets...
The flashing tree at Pier 39 [full of stobes]
downtown San Francisco is clad in lights
night skating at the Kristi Yamaguchi ice rink
Union Square in night lights